Neonatal Resuscitation Program

This course has been designed to teach and evaluate the evidence-based resuscitation skills of the newborn. Critical skills will be taught from preparing necessary equipment to airway management techniques, to chest compressions, umbilical lines, medications, and special considerations. These skills will be evaluated during simulated deliveries followed by debriefings. The goal is for participants to develop optimal knowledge and resuscitation skills in accordance with current American Heart Association (AHA) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations.

These online Courses MUST be completed before attending. YOU WILL NOT GET YOUR CARD UNTIL THESE ARE COMPLETED. Please bring these certificates to class.

  1. To take the online portion please access through the AAP website The cost for the test is approximately $45.00. Please take the advanced online portion.

This course is nonrefundable.

December 16th, 2023 3:00pm-6:00pm

Please use the checkout below.

Need help or want scheduling information?

Give us a call today at (505) 227-4033